555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

466. Is a Saved Person Sure of His Salvation?

Many good men of whose salvation there can be no question, have at times had doubts, and have suffered acute distress. In some cases the doubts have a physical origin resulting from a gloomy disposition. In others, they arise from too much introspection. In others again, because their conscience reminds them of sins not yet overcome. You must remember that you are not saved because of your feelings, but because Christ died for you. If you have sincerely repented, and are trusting entirely in Christ to save you, and are living in his strength a godly life, you have the right to thank God for saving you, in spite of your doubts. If you cannot take his word that those who come to him through Christ have eternal life, you should ask him to forgive you for doubting him. You may be quite sure that he will keep his promise, whether you have the joy of assurance or not.